Early morning Iona

Early morning Iona
Iona sunrise

Friday, July 23, 2010

Scenes from a hike to St. Columba's Bay, Iona

Climbing down to St. Columba's Bay, Iona

Bell heather in bloom on Iona

Joyce Watson, Iona resident, naturalist, photographer and hiking guide

A windy day on the rocky beach at St. Columba's Bay

Lush ferns growing on the hillside

Lending a helping hand on the climb back from St. Columba's Bay


  1. I have read all of your postings, Linda, and enjoyed every word -- the descriptions of your journey to Iona, the quoted poetry of others, and your own poetry, which I found fresh, insightful, and fearless. Keep writing and keep posting. You appear to have much to contribute on issues of primary importance to those of us who who remain explorers.

    I, too, have found much comfort and wisdom in John O'Donahue's writings. I wrote an article about him on my blog several months ago. I think it was called "Ways of Seeing. " In any event, you can find it by going to "Labels" in the sidebar and clicking on his name.

    Best wishes in your new endeavor. I'm sure you will find it rewarding and a platform upon which to build meaningful friendships.

  2. Thanks so much for your encouragement, George.
